Let's learn the motions to a song about friendship. Sit with a partner.
It takes one to be a friend : Partners clap right hands together.
It takes two to be a friendship : Partners clap left hands together.
It takes you and me in harmony, to rock this friendship family : Partners clap "patty cake."
When you're happy through and through: Pointer fingers boogie high!
I'll be smilin' too: Pointer fingers point to smiling cheeks.
When you're sad and feelin' blue : Fists wiggle at temples, like crying.
I'll be there for you: Thumbs to self on "I'll", then point to your partner on "you."
It takes one to be a friend : Partners clap right hands together.
It takes two to be a friendship : Partners clap left hands together.
It takes you and me in harmony, to rock this friendship family : Partners clap "patty cake."
Did you notice two parts of this song are the same? (the beginning and the end) Let's call those parts the A section of the song. This is the part where you are clapping with a friend.
What did we do in the middle section? (dancing fingers, smiling cheeks, crying motion, pointing to me and you) Let's call that the B section of the song.
If we put the song back together, what section went first, what was in the middle and what was at the end? (ABA)
Optional: Show the form of the song. A: Sit with a friend. B: Stand up and sing while looking for a new friend. A: Sit with a new friend.
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