Two rhythm sticks of different colors, e.g. red and blue (optional)
Prompt a brief discussion about the difference between beat and rhythm — the beat is steady, while the rhythm has long and short sounds and silences. In a song, the — "words are the rhythm.-"
Teach the song "Apple Tree" by rote while students pat a silent beat on their laps.
Explain that this is the first of two Essential Songs — a special song that students experience in different ways until they become good friends with it. Further explain that students are assessed on their ability to memorize, sing and play the Essential Song, as well as demonstrate the beat and rhythm.
Play the song and invite students to sing along and pat the beat while you point to the word BEAT on the screen.
Instruct students to sing the song again and tap the rhythm of the words while you point to the word RHYTHM.
While singing the song one last time, challenge students to pat the beat when you point to BEAT, and switch to tapping the rhythm when you point to RHYTHM. Switch often throughout the song so students experience the difference between beat and rhythm.
For extra challenge, direct one half of the students with a blue stick and the other half with a red stick. While singing, the blue group pats the beat and the red group taps the rhythm.
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