Year 1
Sound and Silence

Introducing Beat and Metre

Year 1
Counting a Steady Beat

Introducing Beat and Metre

Year 1
High and Low

Introducing Pitch

Year 1
Loud and Soft: Fast and Slow

Introducing Dynamics and Tempo

Year 1

Introducing Structure

Year 1
Different Types of Voice

Introducing Timbre

Year 1
Types of Percussion

Introducing Instrumentation

Year 1
Composing Rhythms

Introducing Rhythm

Year 1
Smooth and Separate

Introducing Articulation

Year 1
Similarities and Differences

Introducing Structure

Year 1
Duple Groupings

Developing the Beat and Metre

Year 1
Triple Groupings

Introducing Beat and Metre

Year 1
Using Your Voice

Developing Timbre

Year 1
Tonic Sol-Fa, High and Low

Developing Pitch

Year 1
Duple and Triple

Developing the Beat and Metre

Year 1
Performing Different Sounds

Developing Timbre

Year 1
Duple, Triple, Quadruple

Developing the Beat and Metre

Year 1
Up, Down, High, and Low

Developing Pitch

Year 1
Dynamic Contrast

Introducing Dynamics

Year 1
Patterns in Music

Introducing Structure

Year 1
Pentatonic Singing

Introducing Melody

Year 1
Percussive Sounds

Developing Timbre

Year 1
Spot the Difference and Echo

Introducing Structure

Year 1
Changing Dynamics

Developing Dynamics

Year 2
The Rhythmic Ostinato

Developing Rhythm

Year 2

Developing the Beat and Metre

Year 2
Bars and Bar Lines

Introducing Notation

Year 2
Crotchets and Quavers

Developing Rhythm

Year 2
Crotchets and Quavers: Part 2

Developing Rhythm

Year 2
Sections in Music

Introducing Structure

Year 2
Dynamics as Expression

Developing Dynamics

Year 2
Melodic Contour

Introducing Melody

Year 2
Melodic Contour: Part 2

Introducing Melody

Year 2
Composing Rhythms to Songs

Developing Rhythm

Year 2
Understanding Rounds

Developing Structure

Year 2
The Orchestra

Developing Instrumentation

Year 2
Steps, Skips, and Tonic Sol-Fa

Developing Melody

Year 2
Smooth and Separate

Developing Articulation

Year 2
Phrases and Repetition

Developing Structure

Year 2
Instrumental Families

Developing Instrumentation

Year 2
Strong and Weak Beats

Developing the Beat and Metre

Year 2
Difference in Music

Developing Structure

Year 2
Differentiating Types of Sound

Developing Timbre

Year 2
Signs, Sections, and Motifs

Developing Structure

Year 2
Identifying Dynamic Contrast

Developing Dynamics and Articulation

Year 2
Exploring Percussive Sounds

Developing Timbre

Year 2
Sorting Types of Percussion

Developing Instrumentation

Year 2
Metre: Perform and Read

Developing the Beat and Metre

Year 3
Syllabic and Melismatic

Developing Melody

Year 3
The Minim and Semibreve

Developing Rhythm

Year 3
Rondo Form

Developing Structure

Year 3
Using a Stave: Sing, Compose

Introducing Notation

Year 3
Smooth and Separate

Developing Articulation

Year 3
Finding Musical Patterns

Developing Structure

Year 3
Families in the Orchestra

Developing Instrumentation

Year 3
Performing Different Sounds

Developing Timbre

Year 3
Groups of 2, 3, and 4

Developing the Beat and Metre

Year 3
Bars in Duple Groupings

Introducing Notation

Year 3
Voice Types and Body Beats

Developing Timbre

Year 3
High to Low: Sol-Fa and Stave

Developing Pitch

Year 3
Strong and Weak Beats

Developing the Beat and Metre

Year 3
Recognising Patterns

Developing Structure

Year 3

Developing Articulation

Year 3
Bars in Quadruple Time

Developing Notation

Year 3
Major and Minor Pentatonic

Developing Melody

Year 3
Describing Timbre

Developing Timbre

Year 3
Lines and Spaces on the Stave

Developing Notation

Year 3
Sections and Phrases

Developing Structure

Year 3
Types of Melodic Movement

Developing Melody

Year 3
Sounds of the Orchestra

Developing Timbre

Year 3
Analysing Contrast

Developing Dynamics and Articulation

Year 3
Reading Melodies on the Stave

Developing Notation

Year 4
High, Middle, Low Pitch

Developing Pitch

Year 4
Rounds: Perform, Compose

Developing Structure

Year 4
Symbols on the Stave

Developing Notation

Year 4

Developing Rhythm

Year 4

Introducing Harmony

Year 4
Theme and Variations

Developing Structure

Year 4
Found Sounds in Jazz

Developing Timbre

Year 4
Phrases and Rounds

Developing Melody

Year 4
Lines and Spaces: Treble Clef

Developing Notation

Year 4
Bridge in Form

Developing Structure

Year 4
Legato, Staccato, Pause

Developing Dynamics and Articulation

Year 4
Strong and Weak Beats

Developing the Beat and Metre

Year 4
Identifying Genre

Developing Structure

Year 4
Identifying Family Groups

Developing Instrumentation

Year 4
Time Signatures

Developing the Beat and Metre

Year 4

Developing Structure

Year 4
Bars in Various Metres

Developing Notation

Year 4
Quaver-Semiquaver Groupings

Developing Rhythm

Year 4
Cut Time

Developing the Beat and Metre

Year 4
Melodic Contour and Rounds

Mastering Melody

Year 4
Conducting in 2 and 4

Developing the Beat and Metre

Year 4
Ternary Form

Developing Structure

Year 4
Vocal and Drum Sounds

Developing Timbre

Year 4
Analysing Dynamics

Developing Dynamics and Articulation

Year 5
Compound Metre

Developing the Beat and Metre

Year 5
Grouping Bars with Bar Lines

Developing Notation

Year 5
Two-Part Singing

Developing Harmony

Year 5
Roles of Instruments in Music

Introducing Texture

Year 5
The Anacrusis

Developing Rhythm

Year 5

Developing Harmony

Year 5
Bass Clef Reading and Singing

Developing Notation

Year 5
Perform in 2, 3, and 4

Developing the Beat and Metre

Year 5
Faster and Slower

Developing Rhythm

Year 5

Developing Texture

Year 5
Structural Signs on the Stave

Developing Structure

Year 5
Central and North Africa

Developing Instrumentation

Year 5
Identifying Sections

Developing Structure

Year 5
Irregular and Compound

Developing the Beat and Metre

Year 5
North Africa and the Caribbean

Developing Instrumentation

Year 5
Pentatonic Tonic Sol-Fa

Mastering Melody

Year 5
Sorting Triple or Duple Metre

Developing Notation

Year 5
Identifying Changes of Tempo

Developing the Beat and Metre

Year 5
Musical Movements

Developing Structure

Year 5
Identify and Play Dynamics

Developing Dynamics and Articulation

Year 5
Voice and Instrumental Groups

Mastering Instrumentation

Year 5
Bridge and Interlude

Developing Structure

Year 5
Performing Musical Contrast

Mastering Dynamics and Articulation

Year 5
Beat Division in Compound Metre

Developing the Beat and Metre

Year 6
Differentiating Textures

Developing Texture

Year 6

Developing Rhythm

Year 6
Two-Part Singing

Developing Harmony

Year 6
Mixed Metres

Developing the Beat and Metre

Year 6
Dotted Crotchet and Triplets

Developing Rhythm

Year 6
Recognising Triads and Scales

Developing Harmony

Year 6
Identifying Triads

Developing Harmony

Year 6
Ties and Syncopation

Developing Rhythm

Year 6

Mastering Pitch

Year 6
Three-Part Singing

Developing Harmony

Year 6
Assessing Time Signatures

Developing the Beat and Metre

Year 6
Compose Syncopation

Developing Rhythm

Year 6
Identifying Ensembles

Mastering Instrumentation

Year 6
The Minor Pentatonic

Mastering Melody

Year 6
Identifying Forms

Mastering Structure

Year 6
Semibreve to Semiquaver

Mastering Rhythm

Year 6
Irregular Metres

Mastering the Beat and Metre

Year 6
Assessing Elements by Ear

Mastering Dynamics and Articulation

Year 6
Composing Ostinati

Mastering Rhythm

Year 6
Analysing Tempo and Fermata

Mastering the Beat and Metre

Year 6
Assessing Homophony

Developing Texture

Year 6
The Suite

Mastering Structure

Year 6

Mastering Harmony

Year 6
Assessing Performance Directions

Mastering Dynamics and Articulation

Year 6
Beat Subdivision

Mastering Beat and Metre